

Water (Apas): The Flow of Emotion (Beginner)

Feel your inner ocean calm and balance you, filling you with creativity and peace.

Fire (Agni): The Flame of Transformation

Spark your passion with this transformative meditation.

Air (Vayu): The Breath of Freedom

Let your thoughts take flight, feeling open and free.

Group Ex Classes

Intro to Step

Led by Ms. Carol Talley, this will be a low-impact, basic pattern, easy-to-follow step class that's packed with fun and excitement for everyone! Bad knees?... No problem! Modified options on the floor will be offered. An exhilarating class that will increase & strengthen your heart muscle, burn calories, and increase endorphins.

Yoga for Beginners

We believe yoga is for anybody and everybody, accepting people in their entirety. In this beginner yoga class, you will learn the basic, foundational yoga postures to align, strengthen and promote flexibility in the body. Breathing techniques and meditation are also lightly integrated.


Take Twenty Tuesday: Stretch Break

Ms. Carol Talley will take you on a brief, 20-minute journey to reclaim your posture and presence during the workday. Join her for a few mindful moments in your afternoon to pause, breathe, stretch, and rebalance the body.

Take Thirty Thursday: Stretch Break

Welcome to a new stretch break offering! This "Take Thirty Thursday" 30-minute break is an evolution of the "Take Twenty Tuesday" Stretch Break. This extended format right in the middle of your workday will include rejuvenating stretches to relieve tension and awaken your core muscles.

Sticking to Your Goals

Sticking to Your Goals: There are many benefits to setting goals. Goals direct your focus and attention. They help you remain persistent in the face of adversity. They increase your self-confidence and help you develop problem-solving strategies. The bottom line is that when you set effective goals, they can help you perform to your potential. But do you ever struggle with sticking to your goals? In this webinar we’ll discuss the difference between making resolutions and making goals, how to create healthy habits and stay motivated, and learn several tips and tactics for reaching our goals. 

Millennium Health and Fitness